2/Lt Egoda Gedara Bhagya Maduwanthi Egodagedara is the Current Officer-in-Charge.
A cadet platoon was established in 1989.
The Band was established in 1993.
The Cadet has a history of 24 years.
Cadet Western Band participated in Assessment Campsat Rantambe and in 2005 , 2007 won the best award for Music.
The award for the Best Drum Major was taken by the Sergeants in 2007 and 2012.
Highest achievements : All Island 2nd Place in the Girls’ Cadet Western Band Assessment Camp in 2007 and All Island 3rd Place inthe Girls’ Cadet Western Band Assessment Campin 2012
The Music Instructors of the band at present are Mr.NimalKantha Fernando (Retired Navy Band Master) and Mr.NishanthaAkmeemama ( WO 1 – Instructor Army Band Panagoda)
The DrumMajor of the Cadet Bandin 2013 – Sgt/ W. Sachini Rupika Mavinga
The Drum Major of the Cadet Band in 2014Cpl/Rashini Sathsarani Premalal